“The North West Minerals Province - where good news stories keep coming.”

7th to 9th May 2024

Event Details


The conference is the ideas exchange of the event and brings industry leaders and educators from both the private and public sectors together with other key stakeholders.

The focus for the discussions in 2024 will focus on the pipeline projects in and around Mount Isa. There are dozens of these projects dotted around the entire North West. This event will bring together key stakeholders to share ideas, discuss challenges and seek ways to advance their projects.

Delegates are welcome to attend both conference sessions or select sessions of interest and invest more time in meeting with exhibitors in the main auditorium.


Offering several sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, 2024 Glencore North West MPX exhibitors have access to a select number of exhibition booths and spaces to showcase their business capabilities indoors. Alternatively, outdoor exhibits are warmly invited and will be on the lawn in front of the Civic Centre. This area will be fenced off and security guards employed to protect your displays.

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be served on the exhibition floor to ensure delegates attending the forum sessions have ample opportunity and time to meet with exhibitors.

Additionally, the Wednesday afternoon networking event will take place within the exhibition to increase networking opportunities and generate business discussions. Different sponsorship opportunities are available and we invite potential sponsors to consider which option is best for them.

Welcome Reception

Open to sponsors, exhibitors and registered forum delegates, the professionally styled and catered Mount Isa City Council Welcome Reception will be held cocktail style within the foyer providing an informal opportunity for exhibitors to network and connect with delegates and sponsors.

Naming rights to the Welcome Reception are a key benefit of the Gold Sponsorship opportunity which has been secured by the Mount Isa City Council. Tickets to the Welcome Reception are included in all sponsorship levels and delegate registrations, with a limited number of guest tickets available for sale.

Networking Drinks

Spend some casual time networking with delegates and sponsors at the Networking Drinks on Wednesday evening.

Open to sponsors, exhibitors and registered forum delegates, the professionally styled the afternoon will offer the chance to build on new relationships, or to make new ones.

Naming rights to the Networking Drinks are a key benefit of the Silver Sponsorship package. Tickets to the afternoon are included in all sponsorship levels and delegate registrations, with a limited number of guest tickets available for sale.

The Mount Isa Civic Centre

The venue is crucial to an event’s success and the Mount Isa Civic Centre offers the perfect venue for the 2024 North West MPX. Situated right in the heart of Mount Isa, the Civic Centre offers easy walking access from the majority of accommodation providers in town, and for those choosing to drive, there is ample parking and easy access from West Street.

The centre itself has a variety of rooms and spaces available for use offering flexibility and freedom in one package. The conference will be held upstairs in “The Stack”, while just downstairs, the Exhibition and Catering will be featured in the foyer and main auditorium and front lawn.

The 3 days of the 2024 North West MPX


May 7

7:00am to 3:00pm

Exhibition hall closed to all for the exhibition build

9:00am to 6.00pm

Delegate registration

3:00pm to 5:30pm

Exhibition bump in

6:00pm to 9:00pm

Mount Isa City Council Welcome Reception

Naming rights to the Welcome Reception are a key benefit of the

Gold Sponsorship package.

Open to sponsors, exhibitors and registered conference delegates, the Mount Isa City Council Welcome Reception will be held cocktail style providing an informal opportunity for exhibitors to network and connect with delegates and sponsors.

Tickets to the Welcome Reception are included in all sponsorship levels and delegate registrations, with a limited number of guest tickets available for sale via the website.

Venue – Outdoors at the Mount Isa Civic Centre.


May 8

8:00am to 8.30am

Delegate registration

8:30am to 8:45am

Introduction and Setting the Scene

Steve De Kruijff

8:45am to 9:30am


Trevor Shaw

North West Queensland - an Exploration Update.

9:30am to 10:00am

Harmony - Eva Copper Mine

Johannes Van Heerden

10:00am to 10:15am

Maronan Metals

Andrew Barker

The Maronan Deposit – Australia’s next big base metal mine?

10:15am to 11:00am

Morning tea outdoors in the exhibition

11:00am to 11:45am

The Hon Scott Stewart

Scott Stewart MP

11:45am to 12:00pm

AMEC (Association of Mining and Exploration Companies)

Sarah Gooley

12:00pm to 12:30pm


Gavin Loyden

12:30pm to 1:30pm

Lunch in the exhibition

1:30pm to 2:10pm

Incitec Pivot

Elliott YorkPeter Ware

“Why collaboration is the key in the North West: A Phosphate Hill perspective”

2:10pm to 2:45pm

True North Copper

Peter Brown

2:45pm to 3:30pm

Afternoon tea in the exhibition

3:30pm to 4:05pm

Mount Isa Minerals

Nick Huffels

4:05pm to 4:45pm

North West Phosphate

John Cotter

"Phosphate, is it food, batteries or magnets? Why Phosphate is the new critical mineral."

4:45pm to 6:30pm

Networking Drinks


May 9

8:00am to 8.30am

Delegate registration

8:30am to 9:15am

Red Metal

Kim Grey

9:15am to 10:15am


Fran BurgessGrant Ballantyne

Fran Burgess - “Unlocking the Treasure Within: The Bright Future of Mine Tailings and Waste Rock Dumps in Northwest QLD”

Grant Ballantyne - "Mount Isa's transition from an exporter to an importer of processing technologies."

10:15am to 11:00am

Morning tea outdoors in the exhibition

11:00am to 11:45am

Mount Isa City Council

Tim Rose

The Mount Isa City Council response to the Glencore announcement and plans to diversify the local economy

11:45am to 12:30pm

Renegade Exploration

Rob KirtlanEdward Fry

12:30pm to 1:30pm

Lunch in the exhibition


Field trip

Janelle KerrCourteney Dhnaram

Come join us as we explore the rocks of the Mount Isa region at the John Campbell Miles Drill Core Facility

1:00pm to 4:30pm

Expo open to the public

Head on down to see the exhibits and maybe catch the public sessions.


Public Sessions

Suzanne ShippJustine Cole

1:00pm to 1:45pm "Careers in Industry" a panel discussion led by Suzanne Shipp from APA Group.

1:45pm to 2:15pm "Pathways Through TAFE" presented by Justine Cole.


Exhibition bump-out